Leash FAQs

Hands-free leashes make me nervous - how is this one better?

First, the leash features not one but two thoughtfully-placed handles, which you can grab at anytime. In these situations, our system actually gives you more leverage than a conventional hand-held leash, as the sling activates your core and distributes pull force across a greater surface area.

Second, the leash is detachable. Our twist-lock mechanism allows you to easily remove the leash and use it like a conventional hand-held leash if you want. You still get all the great features like the shock-absorber, adjustable length, and reflectivity.

Lastly, every other hands-free leash is generally worn like a belt, which tethers you to your dog in a much more irrevocable way. Our sling is designed to easily slip off your body in the event you need it too, without having to rely on any kind of breakaway device.

Is this only for certain size dogs?

We don’t look at it that way, because our system simply extends your natural power. So if you can walk your dog with a regular leash, this is going to be a step up. No leash can replace training and your ability to control your dog, but as far as we know, no size or breed of dog can walk themselves yet :)

Why don't you sell a harness too?

There are plenty of harnesses out there, designed primarily with your dog's comfort in mind. But what about you?! We’re thinking about the humans here, which is why we've invested all of our R&D efforts into the sling and leash. But as we test more harnesses, we’ll likely find a modified design that works best with our leash, and you can sign up here for updates.

What about two dogs?

Here’s the thing - it’s all about what you can safely control, and the system is plenty adaptable. But first, we recommend using our leash for one dog, and a conventional hand-held leash for the other. We’re also working on a splitter to allow the system work seamlessly in this scenario, and you can sign up here for updates.

Has this been tested?

Aside from Bruin, our Chief Dog Officer who tips the scale at almost 100 lbs and has yet to chew through his first leash, we’ve also tested it extensively in a lab setting. In preliminary studies, we’ve found that our sling reduces stress on the body by 50%!

It’s also been fail-tested to optimize for realistic loads that a dog can put on a leash. A leash that will never break would be too heavy for most consumers, and furthermore, it would be a safety concern in the event your dog is involved in an accident. This is true of every hands-free leash on the market, but none of those other leashes can function equally well as a conventional hand-held leash when you need it to (see question #1).

What's your warranty policy? 

We try to keep it simple. If you have any problems due to a material defect in manufacturing, we’ll immediately replace it at no cost to you (this hasn't happened yet).

If performance issues arise due to normal wear and tear, for example if your leash is compromised due to chewing, we offer a one-time replacement program for a flat fee of $25 plus shipping.

Wear and tear that doesn’t affect the performance of the leash is not covered, but we encourage you to reach out as we can often make repairs for a very small or no fee.